Typography Settings

Knowing how to manage the Theme’s Typography Settings will have a huge impact on overall appearance of your site.

By default, each themes already includes the certain fonts settings when the theme is activated.

However, you need to get more detailed and specific with the fonts used, you can access these settings by going to Flotheme > Typography.

The following article will give an overview of the Flothemes typography area in your WordPress backend. We also cover the options for Basic and Advanced fonts in more detail.


Base fonts

The basic typography settings area is great when looking to change the look of your site quickly.

Size settings and font weights may be different, however they will use the same type.

Select the 3 font options for your site, you will see a preview of the font below the font option once selected. Once you’ve selected what you want to update hit “Save”:


The 3 options available here are used for multiple items in your site. The following example shows a visual view of how 3 fonts are used to style a theme:

Mimal Regular

Mimal Kit 1

Mimal Blue

Mimal Kit 2

Mimal Red

Mimal Kit 3

Advanced Typography

The advanced typography settings area will allow you to have much more customization over your font options. In here we have categorized each font options and you’re able to further develop your sites font options. It is only recommended to use this area if you’re looking to heavily modify you themes look.

The sections include the general font areas, input areas (for contact form), blog and gallery settings, contact page settings, headings from h1-h6 (useful for on page content), Widget area fonts, and footer font options.

The basic font options should work for most users, as most branding kits will only come with 3 font variations.

You can view hints on where the font is used by clicking the gold icon on the right hand side:
