Contact Page
The following article explains how to create a contact page using our contact page template in Mimal.
Video Tutorial
Add a new page
Create a new page and change the template to Contact Page.
Add details
Once this page template is selected, the following options are available:
The “User the users email address in the “from” field” is set to no as default as it can cause issues with hosting providers. It can be turned on if you want the email to show the user that sent the email in the from field.
Set Featured image and select header title types:
If you’ve added a featured image to the page, you are able to select the “header title types” just under the content area. Select the option you wish to show and if you would like parallax or not.
All the fields, but the the ‘Email’ field are optional. The email field is required because it is used by the contact form to send the email to that address.
If you’re not receiving messages after testing the form, check out the following article:
For the users who need a custom form with different fields we recommend a great plugin: ‘Ninja Forms’ . You can read the next article on how to create a custom contact form.