Content Settings

Content Settings is probably one of the most important areas to look into if you really want to give your website a unique touch, and customize it according to your needs.

The Content Settings area is broken down into several different sections. Each section is related to a specific area of your website. Within these sections, you can adjust layouts, fonts and much more.



There are global settings for the blog page, which you can find in Flothemes > Blog Posts. Here you will be able to do the following items:

  • Set the blog post width.
  • Turn on options for showing similar posts at the end of the blog.
  • Spacing between post images
  • The option to show categories in the header of the page (at the top of the blog page)
  • An option to show categories and tags at the bottom of a single post
  • Enable and disable social sharing options
  • Auto set the featured image (using the first image attached to the post)
  • The option to show the featured image at the top of the single post.
  • We have added the option to disable WordPress 4.4 responsive images, this will turn of smaller images on all devices.
  • You can select the comment options, Facebook, and WordPress.
  • The option to add a Facebook application ID if you wish to moderate the Facebook comments.

Mimal - Blog Post

Blog Post Comments


Global Settings and Options can be found by going to Flotheme > Content Settings > Gallery.

Here you can set the options for the default single gallery option, turn on social sharing options, gallery dates, set the slideshow slide effect, speed and change the default WordPress Gallery shortcode to replicate Flothemes galleries.



1. Global Settings

Beside the settings for each Slideshow, there are global settings that will affect all the Slideshows, they can be accessed in Flothemes > Content Settings > Slideshow menu under theme options:

Mimal - Slideshow Options

Options include Autoplay for the slideshow, slideshow transition speed (in Milliseconds, so add 3000 for 3 seconds), the option to have text and logo color changes for dark and light logos, also the option to upload both these logos if selected, and the logo max width for the slideshow.

2. Slideshow Typography

You will also have the typography options just below this, options for the title and the description:

Slideshow - Typography Settings


The pages section allows you to set the following items:

Archive/Search View, set the excerpt length of list views, page comments and the default page header layouts, as well as setting up the custom 404 page.


The blog listing view is for those of you that set up the blog page in Settings > General, however this is not the recommended method.

The 404 page, is for when there is an error, or a resource not found on your site. Set up a custom 404 page to match your brand:


Image Sizing

The following image sizing options are available in Flothemes > General Settings > Image Sizes. Here you’re able to adjust the featured image and general sizes of images on your site. Click the gold ? to the right to see exactly whats changing:
