Customizing your blog posts

In this tutorial we will cover the options that are not available by default for a WordPress blog post.

Porto adds some new options, for example  for setting the sidebar for each post in part:


Then there are also options that will change the behaviour of all blog posts pages. You can see them in the ‘Blog Posts’ settings:

Customizing your Blog post 1

Most of the options in the image above are easy to understand. I wan to explain just the comments option. As you can see by default WordPress comments are enabled. Basically any comments option available in the  ‘enabled’ box will be used in the order defined there. See below a few combinations:


An important option is the ‘Blog post responsive images’. WordPress 4.4 has introduced responsive images, which means it creates several sizes for the same image, and serves the most appropriate size for the device screen size. This is done for speed optimization. But many times serving a smaller size results in loosing the image quality. Therefore by default the theme disables responsive images. And there are options to change that:

Blog post responsive images

So depending what is more important for you, the performance or the image quality, you can choose the appropriate option.