Adding a slideshow and settings

The following article explains how to create a new slideshow, slideshow settings and adding slideshows to pages for the Mimal theme.

Add New Slideshow

1. Creating a slideshow

To create a slideshow you have to go to the ‘Slideshow’ menu and click ‘Add New’.

2. Adding the details

Add the slideshow title and then proceed to add the slides:


3. Edit the Slides and Metadata

As you can see in the image above, you can create slides by adding images, or you can create ‘clean’ slides.

You can upload new images, or add existing images from the media library.  For full screen slideshows we recommend images of 1920x1200px and the images should be optimized for web.  After the images are added to the slideshow when you hover over the images you’ll notice 2 images that will allow you to delete or edit the slide you are interested in. And also you can drag and drop the available images to sort them.


When the ‘Edit’ icon is clicked, a modal box will open up and will allow to edit the options available for the current slide. For this theme the available options can be viewed in the image below:

Mimal - Edit Metadata

You can edit the settings for all the slides as you are interested in, then close the modal box and publish/update the Slideshow post and all the images and options will be published.

Adding Slideshow to Pages

Then once the Slideshow is created it can be assigned to any page using Slideshow settings meta box below the main page content, so go to any page, then scroll down to “Slideshow Settings” > select a slideshow and then the menu position:

Slideshow Settings

There are 2 options:

  1. For the menu to be over the slideshow (this will be in the center of the image)
  2. For the menu to be above the slideshow (directly above the slideshow, not covering the image)

Once selected make sure to update and publish the page.

Slideshow Settings

1. Global Settings

Beside the settings for each Slideshow, there are global settings that will affect all the Slideshows, they can be accessed in Flothemes > Content Settings > Slideshow menu under theme options:

Mimal - Slideshow Options

Options include Autoplay for the slideshow, slideshow transition speed (in Milliseconds, so add 3000 for 3 seconds), the option to have text and logo color changes for dark and light logos, also the option to upload both these logos if selected, and the logo max width for the slideshow.

2. Slideshow Typography

You will also have the typography options just below this, options for the title and the description:

Slideshow - Typography Settings