Adding your Logo

With Melbourne there are various options for adding your Logo, one set of options if for the regular logos:

  1. Main Logo – this will be the main logo on the site
  2. Mobile Logo – this can be used for mobile only

If the option is enabled for the the text/logo color to change based on the slideshow image color you can add 2 logos.

  1. Dark Logo – This will add a dark logo over images that are deemed to be light.
  2. Light Logo -This will add a light logo over images that are deemed to be dark.

Main Logos

The following section describes how to add your main and mobile logo.

Step 1- Flothemes Dashboard

To add your logos, go to Flothemes > Header and Logo > Logo.

Step 2 – Choose Logo Type

You will note that there is the option to select the logo type. There are 2 options here, Text Logo (Site Title) and Image Logo.


Text Logo

This is useful for those of you that don’t currently have a logo and just want to use the site name. This will be the text logo option. To update the text for this, go to Settings > General, and update the Site Title.


NOTE! This will also be the name that you see in the browser tab.


Image Logo

This will be the most commonly used option. Here you can upload your own .png or .jpg file. It is recommended to use a .png file with a transparent background.


You can add both the Main Logo Image and the Mobile logo.

Step 3 – Choose Logo Sizes

Its very useful to set the max sizes for your logo. To do this, there are 2 options, one for the main logo and one for the mobile logo.

It is recommended to keep the max size for the mobile logo to under 250px.


Now that you’ve added the main logos, save the settings and review the next tutorial for Slideshow logo options.