Content Settings
The following article will review the content settings area in Flothemes > Content Settings. There are 6 sections in the content settings area:
- Listings Layouts
- Blog
- Galleries
- Pages
- Sidebars
- Image Sizing
Hopefully the areas are relatively self explanatory. The listings layouts area is for the relevant layout options in the latest posts type template (listing template).
Listings Layouts
The Listings layout area should be seen as various sections which we will explain below, there is a general settings area, and an area for each of the 6 possible layout options:
General Global Settings
These settings apply for all layout views, as well as the option to select the layout for search results pages.
Layout Options
Each of the layout options will have a height setting, that will be the height of a single post in this view, it will also include typography settings relevant for each, you can see the example below (remember to use the gold ? to find out more details):
The following section is relevant for your global blog post settings:
General Settings
In this section you will see relevant options for showing related posts in the single post, date, category, tags and pagination options. You can also turn off the featured image on the single post here. Again make sure to check the gold ? for further hints.
The comments section allows you to enable comments for your posts, both WordPress and Facebook comments can be enabled by dragging them into place. For Facebook comments, you should create a Facebook application ID if you wish to moderate the comments:
Archive and Category Page Layout
The following option will allow you to select the archive and category listing page views. This is useful if you have a categories section on your site:
The following section has settings that will allow you to update both the single gallery and gallery listing pages.
For this article we will be referring to the options available in Flothemes > Content Settings > Gallery.
Default Gallery Layout
The following option is for setting a “default” gallery option for a single gallery post. This is overwritten by individual gallery settings.
Select one of the 4 options to see the various layout details.
Each option will have its own specific settings from left to right.
Grid View Masonry
With grid view masonry, you can select the number of columns, the spacing between the images and the hover color and opacity.
Gallery Crop
This view will be in a letterbox view and will crop your image if not in the correct ratio – see here.
There are no additional options, you can just set the max height.
Horizontal Slider
This is a can be center aligned or a left aligned image – see here.
Select the Active slide alignment.
If its center aligned, then there will be an image shown each side.
With left alignment, an image will immediately precede the current image to the right.
Gallery No Crop (Original Size)
This slider will not crop images and it will fit the container –see here.
There are no additional options, just select the slider height.
Gallery Max Height
This will allow you to set a max height on the single gallery posts for slider views 2-4. I would suggest using a slider no larger than 700px in height to allow a better fit for all devices.
Gallery Auto Play
The autoplay options allow you to enable autoplay and the speed in which the single gallery transitions between images.
Gallery Pagination
Enabling pagination will allow you to navigate between single gallery posts with previous and next options:
Shown at the below comments in galleries:
Back to Galleries
Enabling this option will add a back to galleries link in single gallery posts. You can enter the label name and the page which it should link to:
Meta Data
The following options allow you to turn off the categories and tags options in the latest galleries type page:
Archives Listing
The archives listing page for categories options are set with the following options.
If a user searches for a category they will be displayed with the view selected above.
Comments – enable or disable single gallery comments.
Change Default WP Gallery Shortcodes – this will allow your WordPress galleries to replicate the lazy loading grid views that we display in our theme. See the following video on using the default WP gallery shortcode.
The pages section has global page settings, including options for page width, page top and bottom margins, the 404 page settings, and page comments.
The sidebars section lets you set the standard width of sidebars site wide, as well as the default page and post settings for sidebars. You can also add custom sidebars here that will be shown in the widgets area, Appearance > Widgets. We’ve also added a super useful option if you wish to apply a sidebar to all your old posts:
Image Sizing
The featured image size settings allow you to set the size of featured images throughout the site. Some of these options are overwritten by the layout options. Remember to check the gold ? for more details.