
With Crowd we have added testimonials as a post type. This will allow you to add a testimonials slider on any page.

Creating Testimonials

In order to create a new Testimonial it is necessary to go to Testimonials in the dashboard menu => Add New.
In the image below you can see all the fields available for a Testimonial post:

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You may also categorize your Testimonials: Screen Shot 2015-01-21 at 4.43.36 PM

Using Testimonials

After you added your Testimonials, you may now begin to use them on your site. Testimonials can be added to any Page by using the Testimonials shortcode. When editing a Page in visual mode editor, you will notice an icon below that is used to generate the shortcode:

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When clicking on that icon a shortcode generator will appear in a popup window. You will have the option to select the categories and the number of Testimonials you want to display within your Page:

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The generated shortcode will look like this:

[flo_testimonials categories='categ-1,categ-2' nr_posts='8']

The end result will be a slider with Testimonials as shown in our Demo Website.

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