Header Settings

General Overview

Crowd offers 4 types of headers and navigation options for desktops, and 3 for mobile devices(screen width < 640px). Plus if we are on a page that uses a full page width Slideshow, then for that particular page you have the option to choose the header layout (see more in Slideshow section). From header settings you can also adjust the distance above and bellow the header.


In the header settings there are options for the menu and the logo.

Screen Shot 2015-01-14 at 11.25.26 AM

But also option related to menu and logo can be found on the pages that have full width slideshows:

Screen Shot 2015-01-14 at 11.27.29 AM

As these options may create confusion, below is explained how it works:

The pages which have Slideshows that use the entire screen width will have it’s own menu and logo layout. That means you may have different menu on pages that have a slideshow. This happens because some menu options can not be implemented on pages with slideshow the way we wanted. So if you want to have the same menu everywhere, you’ll have to select the header option 2 in the header options:

Screen Shot 2015-01-14 at 11.32.32 AM

Color Settings

Go to Flotheme – Color Settings to adjust the colors of your Menu font, Sub-menus or Menu Background.


Enable Sticky Menu

To enable the sticky menu (thats a menu that stays at the top of the site when your scroll down), go to Flothemes > Header Settings, then scroll down to “LOGO & NAVIGATION FOR MOBILE” and the section option “enable sticky header” select yes:

Some users have also asked about the possibility of adding transparency to the sticky menu, currently this isn’t an option, but below i’ll provide the following CSS snippet to make it possible. This can be added in Flothemes > Custom CSS, and you can change the RGBA values to get the colors you require.

@media only screen and (min-width: 641px){
.f-topbar-fixed .fixed .site-header {
background-color: rgba(255,255,255,0.1);
.sticky.sticky-holder.fixed .primary-navigation ul, .sticky.sticky-holder.fixed .primary-navigation, .crowd-header-over .sticky.fixed {
background-color: transparent;