Social Network Settings

To add your social media accounts to your Vivi theme is simple.

Adding Social Networks

Step 1 – Flothemes Social Networks

First go to Flothemes – General Settings – Social Networks:

Screen Shot 2016-06-04 at 1.36.37 AM

Step 2 – Add Social Networks

To add a social network, click “Add Social Network” simply add the social network name and your social network link, you can see the full list here:

facebook, twitter, gplus, yahoo, dribbble, linkedin, vimeo, youtube, tumblr, delicious, flickr, instagram, pinterest.

You can also add other social networks if required, however you will then have to add a custom icon image.


Showing Social Networks

There are a few locations where you can display social networks on your site:

Navigation Menu


They will be shown below the main menu if the option is turned on in Flothemes – Header & Logo – Social & Search settings:


Contact Form

They will also be displayed above your contact form when using the contact page template.


To enable this option for our contact page template, go to your contact page, and then in the contact meta box, Select “Yes” for enabling social links:


Widget Area

In Appearance > Widget areas, we have added our own social networks widget “Vivi : Social Networks” drag and drop this into any of the widget areas.


To see where each widget area is you can refer to the available widget areas documentation for Vivi.