Things to do before publishing

There are several things you have to do before publishing (backup db and files) :

  1. Ensure that all the current blog posts are transferred to the new blog. In case you created any blog posts on the live site while working in Flo Launch make sure you transfer them to the test mode before publishing otherwise they will get lost.
  2. Make the backup of the database. That is always recommended in case anything wrong happens after you published the test mode.
    There are a couple of plugins that we suggest you use to create a backup :
    –  VaultPress – This is a paid plug-in however its one of the best on the market, it was created by one of the WordPress co-founders Matt Mullenweg, so you know its going to work. It is a subscription based plug-in starting from $5 a month.
    – BackUpBuddy – One of the most popular back up plug-ins on the market, offering daily, weekly and monthly backups. This is a paid plug-in also, but its pricing depends on the number of live sites you have.
  3. Make sure the permalinks structure is the same as on current live site. In case you are going to change the permalink to one of the pages from to that can cause some SEO issues.