Publishing website erased all contents - how to fix

Sometimes due to server or plugin conflicts, Flo Launch might lose the connection to the live site and will not be able to connect your test mode as the new live site when publishing the FloLaunch test mode.

This can result in FloLaunch attempting to create a new database variation and direct you to a WordPress installation page.

If that happens, you will need to manually point your website to the desired version.

When FloLaunch creates a test mode, a new database variation is created by duplicating the currently active one.

You can review all FloLaunch database variations via a phpMyAdmin client which can be accessed from your hosting account. FloLaunch database copies will always be prefixed with “flo_prxxxxxx_” where xxxxxx is a randomly generated number:

Depending on how many times the FloLaunch test mode was created on your site, the amount of database copies can vary.

You can check the currently active database prefix on your website by accessing your wp-config.php file via an FTP client or File Manager hosting interface.

The wp-config.php file is usually located in the root directory of your WordPress installation. Open this file and look for the $table_prefix value:

If your website shows a WordPress installation page, then the prefix assigned in the wp-config.php file is definitely incorrect and needs to be corrected.

This can be fixed by assigning the correct database table prefix in the wp-config.php file.

Head over back to your phpMyAdmin interface and copy a different table prefix, save the file and check your website if it shows the correct live version now:

If you have multiple different prefixes, you might need to try out multiple ones until you find the correct one.

Note that the process of switching prefixes does not affect the website in an irreversible way, so you can freely try out any table prefixes until you find the correct one.

If you are still unable to find the correct live site after trying out the suggestions above, feel free to reach out to us and we will help out as soon as possible.