Blog Settings
The following article reviews the options available for your single posts and blog listing page.
We will be referring to the section Flothemes > Content Settings > Blog for the duration of this article.
Video Overview
The following video gives an overview of the post types settings area.
Setting Blog Width
With Como, we’ve added the option to allow you to set the Max Width for the blog. Here you can adjust the width, this is particularly useful if you’ve made a transition from another theme and previously uploaded smaller images for example and 700px in width, and you want to make sure they look good, so you can adjust the width to reflect this.
Go to Flothemes > Content Settings > Blog, and the first available option allows you to add a numeric value for blog width:
Meta Data
Meta Data, this is information about the posts, date posted, category and tags.
Go to Flothemes > Content Settings > Blog and view the following items:
Here you can turn off the date from showing in the blog, you can also remove the categories and tags if required. Just swipe the toggle button on and off.
Pagination is a great feature as it allows you to show a limited number of posts per page.
Go to Flothemes > Content Settings > Blog and select pagination on or off:
The number of posts shown per page is set in Settings > Reading, and Blog Pages show at most:
This option is overwritten by the settings in blog listing pages when using the latest posts type page template.
Image Options
The image options include auto set the featured image, showing a featured image on a single blog post and responsive images from WordPress’s standard options.
Go to Flothemes > Content Settings > Blog and you can select the following options:
Auto Set Featured Image – this will set a featured image from the first image in the post. This can be overwritten by going to a single post and updating the featured image.
Show Featured Image in single post – If you want your featured image to show above the page title, turn this option on.
Blog Post Responsive Images – this was added in WordPress 4.4 updates where WordPress resizes the images in posts depending on device sizes. As standard we have disabled this as it may affect image quality. It can be enabled for mobile devices if required as it can improve loading times.
You have the option to enable and disable comments, and which method you would like for comments on your posts using the options below.
Flothemes > Content Settings > Blog:
Enable/Disable Comments – turn on for comments and off for no comments.
Use Comments – To select which options to use for comments, simply drag WordPress comments, Facebook comments, or both to the enabled section to use.
To moderate Facebook comments you should create a Facebook Application which can be done here.
Archives and Search Listing Page
The archives and search listing page for posts can be set here. You can select an option to reflect the same as your main blog page, or a grid view for more compact search results.
Flothemes > Content Settings > Blog, you can see the options:
This is also the option used when the blog page is set in Settings > Reading, using the standard WordPress posts page functionality. NOTE! We do not recommend using this method as its less flexible.