Color Settings

Color Settings – is a playground where you can manage all colors for your Website.

You can change the colours for many elements available in the template. If there is color that can not be changed from here, you will need to use custom css settings to add css styles for it. Almost all the color options have a help icon on the right side, if you’ll click that icon there will be a Lightbox image showing where exactly on the page it is used.


Context Text color: #5f5f5f

General Site color: #baad98

Buttons Text color: #ffffff

menu links color: #656464

menu links hover color: #777777

menu background color: #ffffff

sub menu links color: #baad98

sub menu links hover color: #777777

sub menu background color: #ffffff

links color: #444444

links hover color: #000000

preloader color: #707070

sliders navigation arrows color: #fcfcfc

visibile nearby slider background color: no color selected

visibile nearby slider background color opacity: 90

sly slider scroll color: #656464