Typography settings

In this section you have numerous font, size, and family styles for your Webpage typography. From the labels and hints  for most of the options you should understand what element each option is linked to. For elements that we think are not that simple to find, we added help images that show you where this is used. You can check the help images by clicking the blue help icon:

Screen Shot 2014-11-23 at 2.06.15 PM

As you can see in the image above the Font Family is set to default, and ‘default’ means that the font used in the css files will be used, if you want to change it you can use one of the provided google fonts, or upload a custom font.

Font Basics

The following graphic shows what fonts are used and where for the Rebecca theme. This shows an example of how fonts can be used together to create a themes font style:


Fonts in Detail

The following section explains in detail, what fonts are used as standard for each part of the Rebecca theme, as standard in the typography section they will all be set to “default” and will use the fonts shown below:

General Font:  Georgia, “Times New Roman”, Times, serif

H1, H2, H3, H4, H5 (post tiles for grid views):  “TrajanPro-Regular”, Georgia, serif

Single post title and Pretitle font: “Corben”

Subtitle font: “im-fell-french-canon-pro-italic”, Georgia, serif

Navigation Font:  Georgia, “Times New Roman”, Times, serif

Drop down menu icon label: “Montserrat” (google font)

Header mobile menu label: “TrajanPro-Regular”, Georgia, serif

Slideshow title: “TrajanPro-Regular”, Georgia, serif

Slideshow description: “im-fell-french-canon-pro-italic”, Georgia, serif

Text Logo Font: “TrajanPro-Regular”, Georgia, serif

Mosaic title:“TrajanPro-Regular”, Georgia, serif

Mosaic content(description):  “im-fell-french-canon-pro-italic”, Georgia, serif

Share /leave a note/Note Font: “TrajanPro-Regular”, Georgia, serif

Meta data (the meta below the posts title): “im-fell-french-canon-pro-italic”, Georgia, serif

Pagination font: Georgia, “Times New Roman”, Times, serif

Footer widget areas title Font: “TrajanPro-Regular”, Georgia, serif

Flo Images widget’s description: “im-fell-french-canon-pro-italic”, Georgia, serif

Footer bottom text Font: Georgia, “Times New Roman”, Times, serif