Gallery posts
Each gallery post has several fields to edit. Each field is described below.
Title and Content – these fields have the same role as on default blog posts.
Attached Images – this box is added by the theme, and it allows to add to, sort and delete images from your gallery.
Categories and Tags – You can use categories and tags to define sections of your site and group related galleries.
Featured Image – a featured image is usually used on archive pages to represent a gallery post.
There are also settings that will affect all the gallery posts. These settings can be found in several places. Under ‘Sliders‘ option you will find the settings related to the Slider Type used to display the images attached to the gallery:
You can check below how all this 3 gallery types look like, and the characteristics for each one of them:
[flo_one_half padding=”0px 0px 0px 0px” class=”cozy-gallery-sample one” ][/flo_one_half] [flo_one_half_last padding=”0px 0px 0px 0px” class=”cozy-gallery-sample two” ]
[flo_one_half padding=”15px 0px 0px 0px” class=”cozy-gallery-sample three” ] [/flo_one_half]
The 1st gallery slider type has all the slides one after another and they have the same width as the containing image width. you can navigate using the keyboard arrows or by clicking on the arrows on the side.
The 2nd gallery slider type uses the full screen width and the height is calculated base on screen height, header height and the distance from the slider to the gallery title. So if the window height will be ‘wh’, the header height will be ‘hh’ and the distance below the slider to the gallery title will be ‘gth’, then the slider_height = wh -( hh+gth ).
You should know that this slider will crop your images and only the middle part will be shown, and it works best only with landscape images.
The 3rd gallery slider type is the simplest one. It represents a simple slider and each image is centered.
Other gallery options can be found under ‘Posts Settings‘ tab:
Image sizes – There are no options to set the image size. The original images are used in the galleries.
The next video shows how a gallery posts is created: