Latest Galleries

At this point we assume that you created your gallery posts, and now you need to show them on a page.

If you need to show the latest galleries , or latest galleries from certain categories on a page, then you need to create a page and use ‘Latest Galleries’ page template:

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After this page template is selected, the settings related to this template will show up below. Those options will let you  select the desired layout, the number of galleries and if you need you can also filter the result based on selected categories:


The user will have 3 view type options for the Galleries listing page, List view, Thumb view and 50/50 views. With the List view you can also enable a masonry affect if you wish to use various sized featured images. The galleries section will also enable you to create multiple “Latest Galleries” pages showing only the categories that you wish on each page.

Also the standard page features are available that are across all templates:

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This will allow the user to add widget areas and show the page title if required.

The following video will show the entire process: