Single Slideshow

The single slideshows can be enabled to be displayed at the top of a page. You can create multiple slideshows and use them on various pages:

To create a slideshow you have to go to ‘Slideshow’ menu and click ‘Add New’.Screen Shot 2014-11-23 at 1.07.14 PMThen you’ll have to type the slideshow name and from Slideshow settings to select the transition effect.

To add images to the slideshow it is necessary to click on ‘Add slideshow images’, it will open the standard WP media uploader and you can upload new images or use images available in the media library. After the images are added to the slideshow when you hover over the images you’ll notice 2 images that will allow you to delete or edit the slide you are interested in. And also you can drag and drop the available images to sort them.erer

When the ‘Edit’ icon is clicked, a modal box will open up and will allow to edit the options available for the current slide. For this theme the available options can be viewed in the image below:

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You can edit the settings for all the slides you are interested in, then close the modal box and publish/update the Slideshow post and all the images and options will be published.

Beside the settings for each Slideshow, there are global settings that will affect all the Slideshows, they can be accessed from ‘Sliders’ menu under theme options:


Then once the Slideshow is created it can be assigned to any page using Slideshow settings meta box, go to any page and below the content there will be the slideshow settings, select a slideshow here:

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After a slideshow is selected more options will be available as you can see below:

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The first option allows to select the slideshow type. There are 4 options available :

A Narrow Slideshow, or sometimes called Simple Slideshow. It will have the site content width.

A full width slider. It will have the width of the screen, and the height  will be the same as set under ‘Full Width Slideshow – image height’ option. Note that this slider type will hide the left and right side of the images on smaller screens

Full Screen Slideshow. Note this slideshow type will hide the left and right part of the image, or bottom and top part, depending on image shape and the screen size.

Visible nearby images Slideshow. This type of slideshow will have the images next to each other. All the images are cropped to the same size as set under  ‘Visible near by images Slideshow  – image width & height’ option.

Then below you have options to select the menu and logo position relative to the slideshow

You also can watch the video below to see a real example:

**Insert Video here**