Latest Galleries

At this point we assume that you created your single gallery posts, and now you need to show them on a page.

If you need to show the latest galleries , or latest galleries from certain categories on a page, then you need to create a page and use ‘Latest Galleries’ page template. Go to pages,  add new, then on the right hand side, select the ‘Latest Galleries’ template:

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After this page template is selected, the settings related to this template will show up below. Those options will let you choose the categories you wish to display, if you do not want to select single or multiple categories leave this blank, you can select the desired layout, the number of galleries per page and the various options for spacing, masonry and pagination:Screen Shot 2014-11-21 at 11.00.37 AM

Also there are options common for all the page, showing the page title, social sharing links, and enabling widget areas, you can see them in the image below:

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As you can see the image above, on each page you can enable a widget area below the page content, and then select one of the available sidebars. This feature allows you to add different widgets below the content for each page.

You can see a video below on creating the ‘Latest Galleries’ page: